News WB&A Supporting Research Needs of CitySmart Sustainable Transportation Program in Cambridge, MA

Posted by WBA Research    May 12, 2011   0 comments
Over the past two years, WB&A has been supporting the research needs of the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts’ CitySmart program which encourages residents to use sustainable transportation modes. 
The pilot program is testing the application of social marketing techniques on residents’ transportation choices. Based on successful implementation in Europe, Australia and U.S. cities like Portland, OR, the program hopes to achieve a shift of approximately 10% of single-occupant vehicle trips to more sustainable modes, such as walking, bicycling and transit.
WB&A has worked closely with the City to design and implement telephone surveys for three neighborhoods. The roll-out of the program in each neighborhood is preceded by WB&A’s random telephone surveys and later by a follow-up survey measuring the program’s results.
Check out the City’s latest program report for full details: