Case Studies

Understanding U.S. Sleep Habits

pie_illustration_sm8Since 2000, The National Sleep Foundation has commissioned WBA Research to conduct a national survey among adults in the United States. The audience surveyed varies, but the purpose of this large scale, nationwide survey in 2013 was to:

  • Review habits, behaviors and attitudes pertaining to sleep and sleep quality.
  • The poll is representative of the U.S. population, age 23 to 60, with a primary focus of this year’s poll being to evaluate the relationship between sleep and physical activity.

A total of 1,000 surveys were conducted. A representative sample was constructed with stratification by age and area of the country (Northeast, Midwest, West, and South) to determine the relationship between sleep quantity, sleep quality, sleep problems and physical activity. 500 surveys were completed via the Web and 500 via telephone interviews.

Using a self-reported measure of physical activity, for which respondents considered physical activity they did for at least 10 minutes in the past 7 days, participants were classified into four different activity levels: vigorous, moderate, light and no activity. This primary classification was used to contrast key sleep and sleep-health related variables collected in this 2013 Sleep in America poll.

Program Highlights

  • Large scale tracking surveys
  • Surveys ranged from 17 to 23 minutes in length
  • In two cases, regional quotas were based on U.S. Census data